Monday, November 3, 2008

Balzac Questions p 45-61


sadistic (adj): syn: vicious ant: merciful
vigilance (n): syn: alertness ant: carelessness
substantiate (v): syn: affirm ant: disprove
garish (adj): syn: tawdry ant: tasteful
myopia (n): syn: nearsighted ant: farsighted
belligerent (adj): syn: aggressive ant: kind
redolent (adj): syn: scented ant: unscented
somnambulates (v): syn: sleepwalking ant: awake

16. Four-Eyes is a friend of Luo and the narrator. He's been living in the lower on the slopes of the Phoenix mountain, his background is "highly educated". His personality is bery insane.
17. All the Western Literature in China got banned in China durin the Cultural Revolution. It was for to restrain the people from knowing other ideas and informations. China back then was really strict unlike Europe. By the time it was unbanned, no more Western Literature were left in China.
18. Breaking of Four-Eyes' glasses nearly caused Four-Eyes to become blinded. It was a chance for the two boys to help him, to get their books back from him as a return.
19.The pang of jealousy through the narrator’s body was caused from me him wanting the little seamstress and to her to have same feeling as him. Both equal, like the book Balzac story.
20. The narrator copied passages from the book onto his sheepskin coat. He hopes that it will lead him to a place where he has never been before. It connects to how the girl wanted to meet her mother, and in modern day, it's narrator seeing the new world.
21. They had a sex under a gingko tree. This is going to be a serious problem for the Little Seamstress, because her father will never accept it. It can be really dangerous to how the story meant for the readers.

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